News | Lackawanna College

News & Media

FALC: Success On And Off The Field

Lackawanna College’s football team will make history this week as the first local team to play for a collegiate football national championship. As a college community, we could not be prouder of the young men who worked extremely hard all season or of the football program that shaped them. Let’s face it. Sometimes the stereotypes […]

The People Have Spoken…Now What?

Last week, the people of Scranton elected its first independent and first female mayor. In other races, the people elected its first openly gay councilwoman and made significant changes to the Scranton School Board. Change is afoot! Now what? ON THE UPSWING Scranton is in a strong and unique position. From a fiscal perspective, things […]


The social context of the last several years has made politics an almost taboo discussion around family dinner tables, parties, and social or professional events. As we enter a political season of negative ads, rallies, omnipresent signs, and a plethora of accusations slung from all fronts, it seems like, collectively, we might be able to […]

Free College

The idea of free public college to qualified students sounds amazing! No student loans, no debt to pay back, students could be financially free and clear. Students would benefit greatly from this initiative, right? Not as much as you might expect. Community College Offers Tuition-Free PathwaysMany community colleges have created tuition-free pathways for lower-income students. […]

Peanut Butter And Jelly

Some things just go together like peanut butter and jelly, peas and carrots, cookies and milk. Seemingly disconnected (very good) things join together to make a whole greater than the sum of its parts. In higher ed, we are constantly thinking about how to make the academic experience outstanding, about how to connect apparently separate […]

The Education Superheroes: A Note To Faculty And Teachers

It’s easy to comment on all the things education could do better, all the ways our school system, individual schools, or specific classrooms fail to meet our expectations. As parents, community members, and administrators, it’s easy to point out the test scores we’d like to see, the policies we think need changing, and the list […]

It Takes A Village…or A Busload

Making the Grade The Scranton Times-Tribune annually publishes it’s Grading Our Schools analysis, and for a few days, towns are abuzz with reactions. Then, it seems like we all move on and accept the level of education that has become status quo. For some lucky students, the status quo is excellent, and the region is fortunate to have several […]

Let’s Talk The Talk And Walk The Walk

As Lackawanna College simultaneously looks back on its past and plans for an exciting future, we see a unique opportunity to start a discussion on issues impacting the lives of all of us in Northeastern Pennsylvania. We, as a community, have identified the issues and now it’s time to ask questions and explore themes that […]

Culinary students share ham glaze recipes on WNEP’s ‘Leckey Live’

Students from the Culinary Arts program and Chef Mark Seibert were featured on the WNEP morning news with Ryan Leckey on Friday, March 25. Students and Chef Seibert shared a variety of ham glazes prepared using natural ingredients ahead of the Easter holiday, but they can be used any time of the year. Now, the […]

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